kid smiling

Toddler Program

Toddlers are the ultimate explorers, scientists, movers and shakers! They are constantly learning by discovering the world around them. Using all their senses including sight, touch, smell and yes – occasionally putting things in their mouth they investigate and discover new things every day.

Here at Story Book Hollow, our toddler classroom is a safe environment for your child to discover, develop and expand their emerging skills.

happy kids


How your toddlers learns to develop small & large muscles, fine-motor skills and balance


How your toddler develops self-awareness, interact with others, understand and regulate their emotions


How your toddler learns to think, imagine and solve problems

Language & Literacy

How your toddler learns to communicate and understand


How your toddler learns to develop small & large muscles, fine-motor skills and balance

The development of small and large muscles is important during these early years of life. Whether your baby is just starting to raise their head, rolling from stomach to back, or taking that first step, our classrooms offers plenty of comfortable space for them to practice these emerging motor skills in a safe and secure environment.

Sample Activity: Music and Movement – singing and dancing, movement scarves parachute play, instruments, yoga and more.


How your toddler develops self-awareness, interact with others, understand and regulate their emotions

Recent brain research reveals that emotional and cognitive development are closely connected. Providing responsive caregiving to infants not only helps them begin to regulate their emotions and gain a sense of safety and predictability in their social environments, but also strongly supports attention and learning.


How your toddler learns to think, imagine and solve problems

Nurturing and responsive care giving is the key to healthy brain development of your child. Early experiences shape how her brain develops - therefore, supporting a child’s cognitive development with consistent, nurturing experiences and interactions is critical for brain growth.

Sample Activity: Pre-Math and Memory building: Hiding and finding classroom objects and counting the items we find and then sorting them by size, shape and color.

Language & Literacy

How your toddler learns to communicate and understand

Research indicates a back-and-forth exchange of words, sounds, and expressions between caregiver and child is an active ingredient to brain development. Throughout all hours of daycare school, our caregivers not only talk to your baby but also tune in to their responses and encourage vocalizing and babbling.

Sample Activity: Interactive reading experiences with books that are multisensory. Our toddlers explore their books – through sight, sound and touch.